supplier in our industry.
The future of both industry, society, and you and I as individuals, depends on the choices we take today. The UN’s sustainability goals set goals and directions, so it’s up to us to act. Big and small players. Together and each for us.
At Aarbakke we have always been motivated by hairy ambitions and goals that require a little extra. In 2020, we said that we would be the most sustainable supplier in our industry within 2025. We did not leave that decision in the boardroom but have since used every opportunity to talk loudly about it. It commits.
The framework for our sustainability work is based on 3 different dimensions: our industry, Aarbakke as an employer, and our local community. Through an exploratory, inclusive learning process, we have tried to define as good a picture as possible of who 100% Aarbakke is. It is on this unshakable foundation that our sustainability work stands. Based on the three dimensions and based on our understanding of 100% Aarbakke, we have developed 12 principles. The principles set the framework for our sustainability work, at the same time as it tells our history, present and not least – our future.
Our ambition materializes more and more every day. We gradually have many good stories that have contributed to a solid sustainable influence, both of a qualitative and quantitative nature. We share these continuously. Both the finished stories, but also the ones that have just started or the ones we are halfway through. Then we enable the ideas to grow and develop along the way with you. We believe this is absolutely necessary, given the rapid pace of change we are seeing in our environment today.
Aarbakke has 100 years of history. We look forward to the next 100 years of the future!
The One Goal:
Become the world’s most sustainable supplier in our industry.
Our 12 Principles:
1. Pole position in Sustainability
We will be a leader in sustainable change in our industry and our customers will gain a sustainable edge by working with us. To accomplish this, we have to design and facilitate this in the Technology Park and lead by example.
2. Industry Meets New Technology
It started with a horseshoe in 1918 and today we’re an important supplier to the oil industry – change is part of our DNA. Today we see sectors and industries going through great changes and digitalization enabling things that were unthinkable a few years ago. When we approach the future, we need to do it in a way that reinforces our ambition of combining the best from our industry with new technology. This gives us greater flexibility and we can lead the way into the changes of the future.
3. Full Production Control
We’re the largest at Jæren and our network of local partners is an important part of our value chain. We have full control of the entire value chain, from a customer placing the order – to finished delivery. We’re increasing transparency and communicating better about which processes we carry out ourselves and where we collaborate with external partners to produce the best results. By being clear on this, we build trust and give customers extra security in the production process.
4. Intangible Value Creation
We’re not only the best in welding and CNC, but we also know that our 100 years of experience and knowledge are valuable for future generations and industries. We already collaborate with research and educational environments and by emphasizing and building on our knowledge base, even more, we show how we’re not defined by one industry. By creating arenas for knowledge sharing, new forms of collaboration and a higher degree of involvement – we’re strengthening our intangible value creation, which in turn will make us flourish another 100 years.
5. The Customers’ Customers
We’re good at creating positive experiences for our employees and we can transfer this to our customers. We can facilitate good customer experiences – for our own customers and our customers’ customers. By opening up and creating experiences through each visit, we build trust, while maintaining confidentiality. We can solve this through both physical and virtual space.
6. Magical Care
Team spirit, care, and surprise are important elements in our culture. As part of our future workplace, we have to create space for more of this. We want to be a place to gather, a place to be surprised, and a place that provides a high sense of presence.
7. Attractive 24/7
If we want employees to adapt to Aarbakke 24/7, Aarbakke has to adapt to the employees. In addition to good working conditions, we must ensure that everyday work is adapted to sleep, nutrition, physical activity, childcare, and the other dimensions that are important components of everyday life.
8. From Workstations to Flow Zones
We will be a company with a high focus on people and where we ensure a good flow of employees and their work tasks by optimizing flow zones around their different requirements. We need different types of zones; some zones for work (digital and physical), some for nutrition, some for focused, individual time, and some for socializing.
9. All for One – Not One for All
All employees are equally valuable, we have no team A and B. To do our best, we have to help bring out the best in each other. An unwritten rule is unity and inclusion – we will continue with, and reinforce this focus. It can’t just be one person who takes on this responsibility, it has to be part of our attitudes, actions, surroundings, and culture.
10. The Local Leader
We have a central role in the local community, from local sports and
teams to schools and universities. What we contribute to the local environment is noticed. This also means we have a unique opportunity in continuing to positively influence our local surroundings. We have to continue to demonstrate our local social responsibility and also emphasize areas and new ways for the local community to gain insight into Aarbakke.
11. A Knowledge Fountain
We are a source of unique knowledge and experience. We can use this to attract the next generation of employees. The youth isAarbakke’s future and they have both thoughts and experiences that will be important in the future. By expanding the Center of Future, we can offer a gateway to an exciting job future and a strong community.
12. Look to Jæren
Jæren is well known for agriculture, but we can help make the area known for innovative and sustainable solutions in other areas within the industries of the future. By thinking globally and showing how we have a role to play in the greater challenges in the world, we take local responsibility in a holistic way. We’re already doing a lot of important work – from apprenticeship programs to resource recycling – and we can improve how we communicate this work, inorder to promote the sustainable journey we’re on.